Heaven’s Gate Cult Threatens Lil Uzi Vert With Legal Action Over ‘Eternal Atake’ Artwork
The surviving members of the Heaven's Gate suicide cult aren't flattered by Lil Uzi Vert's apparent homage. Speaking to Genius, a representative from the group denounced Uzi's artwork for his rumored project Eternal Atake as a violation of the group's intellectual property rights.
"He is using and adapting our copyrights and trademarks without our permission and the infringement will be taken up with our attorneys. This is not fair use or parody, it it a direct and clear infringement," the rep wrote in an email.
Uzi unveiled the artwork in question Wednesday (Aug. 1) on his Instagram. In a manner similar to Heaven's Gate's logo, it features the words "Eternal Atake" written in GeoCities-style word art stamped on an illustration of outer space and a black keyhole.
Serif text near the bottom reads a prophecy similar to the cult's, "As was promised - the keys to Eternal Atake are here again in Luv and Rage (The UFO 2) as Lil Uzi Vert and his Father 2000 yrs. ago."
It is believed "Eternal Atake" is the name of Uzi's forthcoming album. Two unreleased songs from the "XO Tour Lif3" rapper surfaced this week and his Instagram caption for the alleged cover hints at the possibility of a looming release. "Eternal atake ... wanna hear ? Do you think This is Track list cover or real deal?" he wrote.
Under the leadership of Marshall Applewhite, whose photo Uzi made his Instagram avatar, 39 members of Heaven's Gate committed ritual suicide in San Diego in 1997 believing that the overpassing Hale-Bopp comet was an interplanetary vessel that would transport them from Earth. Two members who left the group in 1987 reportedly still manage the cult's archival website, per Gizmodo.
You can compare the cult's logo to Lil Uzi Vert's artwork below.
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