Eminem Addresses “Marshall Law,” Says It’s Not a New Album
Contrary to the tweeters, Eminem is not dropping an album titled Marshall Law.
On Monday night (March 16), Em jumped on his Twitter account to squash any chatter that he’s releasing a new project. “Sorry guys... Marshall Law: not a thing,” he tweeted.
Check out Eminem's tweet below.
Eminem’s response comes after Florida Senator Marco Rubio misspelled the word martial in a tweet about rumors that states would be implementing martial law, which is defined as "military government, involving the suspension of ordinary law," to deal with the spread of the coronavirus. That led people to think a new Eminem album was coming very soon. Those thoughts led to Marshall Law trending on Twitter.
Exacerbating the effect was news of the coronavirus pandemic escalating. Eventually, Rubio had to address the situation.
"Please stop spreading stupid rumors about marshall law. COMPLETELY FALSE," he wrote on his Twitter account. "We will continue to see closings & restrictions on hours of non-essential businesses in certain cities & states. But that is NOT marshall law."
Rubio's misspelling of the word was caught by radio host Dean Obeidallah who tweeted, "A leading GOP official thinks 'martial' law is spelled 'marshall' law -that sums up the idiocy that is the Trump GOP (BTW 'Marshall Law' Sounds like a TV show on the USA network from the 2000's)."
The word confusion started to become a trending topic on Twitter and confusing Eminem fans that the "Godzilla" rhymer was planning to release a new project called Marshall Law.
"Saw 'Marshall Law' trending n thought Eminem had dropped ANOTHER surprise album," a user tweeted on Twitter. "No, no. Marshall Law is real. It is just the title of the next Eminem album soon to be released," another person wrote.
But that's not the case. Everyone can calm down now. However, Em's latest project, Music to Be Murdered By, is still available on digital streaming services.
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