Fan Meets Boosie BadAzz, Can’t Stop Crying
Some people get so star-struck when they finally get to meet the celeb they've always put up on pedestal, they're moved to shocking tears of joy. It's one of those bizarre, yet understandable moments that resonates with the mini diehard within all of us. Baton Rouge's Boosie BadAzz paid a trip to Alaska recently to promote his new vodka, Boosie Juice with a club appearance. It was there where the "Smile To Keep From Crying" rapper met one diehard fan who was so elated to meet him face to face, he couldn't hold back the waterworks.
As the fan asked Boosie to sign his liquor bottle in between sniffles, BadAzz consoled his super fan, signed the bottle and seemed to almost be emotionally moved as well. The tender moment was caught on camera and prompted posted online. Boosie himself shared the video on his Instagram, captioning the clip by writing, "He didn't want to leave Boosie Love. my music really touches people hearts."
It's especially touching to see that Boosie was so gracious to his admirer in a situation where some rappers might come off as holier-than-thou. Boosie embraced his fan is if he was a member of his own family. And this isn't even the first time a Boosie fan showered the "Wipe Me Down" rapper with tears. Last February, a teenage fan met Boosie out and about before a show. Further proof that Boosie is one of the realest.
Peep the moving moment in the IG post above.
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