Alex Wiley Drops Two New Songs “Hands Clean” and “Visions”
Chicago's Alex Wiley has been relatively quiet since he dropped off his Village Party 3 mixtape back in January. Now, Wiley is back with not one but two new songs for fans' consumption. The new tracks, "Visions" and "Hands Clean," are both produced by Mike Gao.
On "Visions," Alex Wiley shows off his melodic side as he raps over spacey production. "I can see your vision/Only with you/I can see your vision/Only with you," croons Alex on the hook.
For "Hands Clean," the midwest spitta shows off his lyrical wordplay. He raps, "Thought I was a germaphobe with the way I keep my hands clean/Thought I was a germaphobe the way I keep the bands clean/Never gave a fuck I know these people can't stand me/I think every living human being is my family."
The great thing about Alex Wiley is his ability to give you both melodies and slick lyrics. Judging from his recent tweet (see below), Wiley has tons of unreleased music in his vault. Before Wiley dropped Village Party III: Stoner Symphony earlier this year, he released Tangerine Dream mixtape last year.
Bump both songs below.
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