Six Young Iranians Were Arrested For Paying Tribute To Pharrell’s ‘Happy’
Unfortunately, Pharrell's song "Happy" doesn't always necessarily guarantee a happy ending, especially for six Iranians. According to BBC, the group of six were paying homage to Skateboard P's infectious banger with a video tribute they did back in March. This resulted in the group being arrested and forced to denounce the video on public television for the government.
The clip was deemed "obscene" enough to enrage the government, especially Tehran's Chief of Police, Hossein Sajedinia.
“After a vulgar clip which hurt public chastity was released in cyberspace, police decided to identify those involved in making that clip,” said Sajedinia.
The arrest caught the eye of Pharrell. He reacted immediately via Facebook to express his disappointment. He stated that he was "beyond sad that these kids were arrested for trying to spread happiness."
The 6 Iranians arrested for dancing to "Happy" were reportedly released according to Mashable.
From Mashable, "Several sources inside Iran posted about the release on Wednesday. Hoda Rostami, an Iranian photographer, posted about it on her Facebook page. Siavash Taravati posted on Facebook that her sister Reihane Taravati, the video's art director, was freed on bail."
It was confirmed when one of the 6 Iranians arrested took to Instagram to share the news. Here caption read, "Hi I'm back