Coi Leray Says Her Dad Benzino Is Envious of Her, Benzino Denies It
In a recent interview, Coi Leray says her dad Benzino is envious of her success. In response, Benzino denies her daughter's claims and goes on a rant about fatherhood and integrity.
Coi Leray Accuses Benzino of Being Envious of Her Success, He Denies It
In the most recent episode of Angie Martinez's popular IRL podcast, which premiered on YouTube on Wednesday (Nov. 8), Coi Leray discussed her childhood, how she coped with her parents' separation and her meteoric rise in the rap game. The topic of her father, former rapper Benzino, was brought up, and Coi spoke candidly about her estranged relationship with him.
The "Players" rapper believed that Benzino is envious of her success and is trying to get in the spotlight through her fame.
"At first it was rocky because I felt like he couldn't handle my success," Coi explained at the 26-minute mark in the video below. "I felt like it it did come from an envious place, which is OK ’cause he's human and it's fine. But I felt like, you know, he want, he still wants like, he's one of those people that feels like, 'Yo, like I still have a story to tell, you know, I still feel like something I have to say something.'"
"Like, no. But he's like, 'I have to say something,'" she continued. "He's one of those people like, 'Let me at him!'"
Coi added that she has a song on her Coi album called "Man's World," which she says is about her father. The 25-year-old rhymer said through her music she has grown to be a better person in spite of her estranged relationship with her father.
Read More: Coi Leray Rejects Fan Who Slid in Her DMs Using A.I. Pickup Lines
Benzino Denies Coi Leray's Claims, Says She's Pushing a False Narrative
On Saturday (Nov. 11), Benzino caught wind of Coi Leray's interview with Angie Martinez and posted two angry messages on his Instagram page in response. In his missive, he denied Coi's claims that he is jealous of her success. The Boston rap vet added that she is pushing a false narrative and vowed to tell his side of the story about how he raised her and her siblings while trying to escape the streets and indictments. Benzino also had some harsh words for Angie Martinez, who he accused her of being manipulative.
"This has to be the most ridiculous [poop emoji] I've heard in my entire life on this earth," he wrote. "How tf can be envious towards someone I RAISED, NUTURED, PROVIDED FOR, INFLUENCED AND LOVE VERY DEARLY???"
"This industry and the internet have completely messed up the minds of this young generation. I'm tired of her pushing a false narrative about who I am and what I've done as a father," he continued. "In my 40 years in hip hop I’ve never ever seen an artist DOG their parents out the was Coi does and it’s embarrassing and sad."
"And one last thing, @angiemartinez knows she doesn’t like me so she’s just being manipulative and messy," he added. "They want me crash out but I've worked on myself so hard that I ain’t going backwards for ANYTHING. But what I won’t do is allow ANYONE to slander my name and push a false narrative on my reputation and who I am. I’ve shed too many blood, sweat and tears, survived street wars and indictments. Nope no more."
Benzino posted another message aimed at fans who think he was being too harsh on Coi Leray. In his second missive, he made it clear that he's a proud dad who raised Coi and was a constant provider to her mother and to Coi's other siblings as well.
"None of y’all was there when I was providing for her her mother, her two brother who were mine and her two older brother I raised who wasn't mine so keep your negative opinions to yourself," he wrote. "I'm a real dad and I’m proud of that. STOP THE [blue cap emoji]. SALUTE TO ALL DADS WHO HANDLE THEIR BUSINESS WHILE GOING UP AGAINST THE STREETS AND THE SYSTEM, S**T'S WICKED OUT HERE FOR BLACK MEN."
Read More: Benzino Cries While Discussing How Being Called Coi Leray's 'Deadbeat Dad' Hurt Him
Watch Coi Leray's interview with Angie Martinez and read Benzino's angry responses below.
Watch Coi Leray's Interview with Angie Martinez
Read Benzino's Rants In Response to Coi Leray's Comments About Him
See Unnecessary Hip-Hop Beefs That Never Should've Happened
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