The Break Presents: Priceless Da Roc
The Bay Area is in the midst of another dance craze. Created by Priceless Da Roc and popularized by Sage The Gemini’s “Red Nose,” yiking is going nationwide. Look forward to more club-friendly slaps by the aspiring 26-year-old soon.
Standout: "Yiken"
Also check out: "Yang Straight" featuring P-Lo
And: Check out the Yikefest function
Name: Priceless Da ROC
Age: 26
Hometown: My family was in the military so I got to move around a lot. I was born in Lompoc, Cali., the spent half of my life in Washington DC, and then found myself falling in love and staying in the Bay Area, Cali.
I grew up listening to: Ma$e, Notorious B.I.G, P.Diddy, then as I got older 50 cent, Mobb Deep, Joe Budden, Cassidy, E-40, Big Rich, Fabolous... basically everyone who was heavy on the mixtape scene in the East Coast [laughs]. I used to go to corner store and buy every popular mixtape that used to come out and play them non stop.
Most people don't know I: Produce, organize, promote and throw my own parties, Edit my own videos, dance, record myself, set up my own tours with the help of my team (YikeFest) and enjoy long walks on the beach after sunset.
My style's been compared to: Priceless Da ROC. That boy got some skills! They say we sound just alike and both of us can't be fucked with. That's the word on the streets.
My standout records and/or moments to date have been: Former 106 & Park Freestyle Friday Champion. The dance I'm apart of making popular called "Yiken" has been the formula for almost every major song to come out of the Bay Area the last few years. "Slow Down" By Clyde Carson was the No. 1 record of the year in Northern California in 2012 and made it on Grand Theft Auto 5, then the same dance was used to make "Gas Pedal" and "Red Nose" By Sage The Gemini go viral, then my own songs "Hella Saucy" and "Yiken (Certified)" are all working there way up to a million plays as well.
So being able to create a whole dance movement (alongside Chonkie F Tutz, Turf Fienz, #GetItIndy, DJ J12, etc.) that is responsible for so many viral videos that helped break through other artist and myself is pretty big! Especially doing it independent. That's something alot of people can't do. This whole Yiken Movement is the biggest movement to come out of the California since the Hyphy movement, so I'm proud to be the man behind it. That's really what being a leader is all about. Creating opportunity.
My goal in Hip-Hop is: My goal in hip-hop is to create and inspire. Become a legend and change what I can to make it all better, you know? Influence the culture. Sell millions of records and inspire others the same way my idols inspired me. Yang.
I'm gonna be the next: P. Diddy... I'm coming for everything this man got [laughs]. But as a music artist, I'm the first of my kind.
To check out more of my music go to: Follow me on Twitter (@PricelessDaROC) and Instagram!