DMX By The Numbers – The Rap Sheet Edition
Earlier this week, DMX was sentenced to 90 days in jail for a reckless driving offence. He was also recently arrested for a 2007 incident in which the remains of three dogs were found at the rapper's home. This was the latest in a long string of arrests that Dark Man X has faced since he was young, as he's served time in jail on numerous occasions. Honestly, X and jail have become so synonymous that we almost lost count. Don't worry, though, we got ya covered as we took a detailed look back on the Yonkers MC's career—the ups and downs. So, here's DMX, by the numbers.
Number of Arrests: More than 10
Number of Pitbulls Seized From Home: 26 (14 in 1999, 12 in 2007)
Number of XXL Covers: 5
Number of Solo Albums: 6
Number of No. 1 Albums: 5
Number of Albums Sold To Date (in US, according to Soundscan): 16,159,011
Number of Times Featured On Another Artist’s Song: More than 50
Number of Feature Films: 12
Number of Straight to DVD Films: 7
Number of Mug Shots Where He Looks Sort of Normal: 1
Number of Mug Shots Where He Looks Horrifying: All of these except this one
Number of Times “Dog,” “What!,” “Come On!,” “Wooh!” “Yes!,” “Yeah!,” “Uh!,” “Uh huh!,” “Argg (bark)” and “Grrrr” Are Used in Adlibs and Lyrics on It’s Dark and Hell Is Hot: Roughly 700
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