Chris Brown Calls NBA Player Kyrie Irving ‘The Real Hero’ for Anti-Vaccine Stance
Chris Brown has shown support for Brooklyn Nets player Kyrie Irving and his anti-vaccine stance. The seasoned b-baller has been benched by the Nets for refusing to get inoculated against COVID-19.
On Wednesday (Oct. 20), Breezy shared on his Instagram Story a black-and-white photo of Irving and wrote, “The Real Hero!!!! I stand with my brother.”
“WHOEVER DON’T LIKE IT....go live your own damn life..,” he continued.
Brown reiterated his support for Irving by closing with, “ITS HIS CHOICE AND A DAMN GOOD ONE[.] ALWAYS IN MY BROTHERS CORNER.”
Rapper T.I. appeared to share the same sentiment as Brown. The Atlanta rap vet jumped into the comment section of an IG post about Brown’s comment and posted a bullseye emoji. Last week, Chance The Rapper showed his support for Irving’s anti-vaccine stance as well.
Irving has been criticized for not taking the vaccine in order for him to play in the NBA. On Oct. 12, the Nets announced that Irving wouldn’t play with the team because he isn’t eligible to play in home games, where the New York City mandate requires professional athletes on the city’s teams to be vaccinated to practice or play at indoor venues.
On the following night (Oct. 13), Kyrie Irving went on Instagram Live to explain his anti-vaccine position and to make it clear that he’s not retiring from basketball.
“I am doing what’s best for me. I know the consequences here and if it means that I’m judged and demonized for that, that’s just what it is,” he said. “That’s the role I play, but I never wanted to give up my passion, my love, my dream just over this mandate.”
Meanwhile, NBA legend Charles Barkley, who has been highly critical of anti-vaccine athletes, weighed in on Irving’s anti-vaccine stance on TNT's NBA halftime show last night (Oct. 19).
"First of all, you don't get the vaccine for yourself. You get it for other people," he said.
Watch Kyrie Irving explain about his anti-vaccine stance and the future of him playing basketball in the NBA below.
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