Check Out An Exclusive Clip From Tonight’s Episode of ‘Empire’
Watch an exclusive clip from Fox's Empire episode 205 above. The clip features another ploy of Cookie's while on her undying quest to bring down Empire Records with her newly launched label, Lyon Dynasty. As she meets with a concert promoter, guest star Adam Rodriguez, in efforts to broaden her brand, the promoter is a little more knowledgeable than she intends, ultimately schooling her.
Check out our interview with Empire Actor Yazz aka Hakeem here. He talks about being mentored by Will Smith among other happenings from Season 1. He also goes in depth about his rise to the top, his Philly roots and his current label situation.
For the past few months, the hit Fox show has been at odds with Starz Power executive producer, 50 Cent. Somewhere along the line, a beef erupted between the two shows and has yet to slow down. Earlier this week, the rapper shared an Instagram post about Empire, with claims of a ratings drop. Back in September, the show also took a jab at the mogul in one of season 2’s earlier episodes. Cookie, played by Taraji P. Henson, tells her son in the season 2 premiere that “50 Cent’s still taking jabs at us. Look at what he wrote on the ‘gram. Thirsty ass."
Watch our "10 'Empire' Facts You May Not Know" video below.
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