Bow Wow and Erica Mena Break Up
Bow Wow and Erica Mena have broken up. The Love & Hip Hop star has confirmed that her relationship with Bow Wow is over in an interview with Global Grind. The two got engaged last year, but the relationship soured and turned nasty.
Mena moved out of their shared residence over a month ago according to Global Grind. She posted a video yesterday (Dec. 9) which showed her pondering the thoughts of speed dating. This prompted Bow Wow to start posting pictures of Joie Chavis, the mother of his child, online. These photos included some of the Bow Wow and Chavis at he and Mena's home.
"I’ve been quiet about it because we were engaged, but obviously he was in his feelings after my Snapchat post,” Mena told Global Grind. "I could have gone public about our breakup a month ago. He does this to make headlines. Just leave me alone, I moved on. Why are you still in your feelings? He’s literally posting about Joie to get on my nerves and it’s not working. He’s posting it to fuck with her head and to try to get a reaction out of me. Listen, I walked away silently. He’s an abuser.”
Mena says she never wanted to make any of this public, but Bow Wow's actions forced her to comment on the situation.
"I never wanted [his] business out there, I feel like people have seen me on reality TV having to fight, but at this point in my life, I deserve peace. I’m in a different place now. When it comes to Shad, this is the man I at one point really considered marrying. He is the one I decided to say yes to, but once the mask came off, I realized I had made a bad choice.”
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