August Alsina Posts Bloody Photo, Claims He Was Assaulted by Tory Lanez
UPDATE (Sept. 18):
August Alsina is now claiming Tory Lanez is the one who leaked the story about their altercation to the media. Replying to a fan who called into question Tory's denial of knowing about the situation, August revealed he and Tory's camp are the only people that knew what happened.
"[And] y’all wouldn’t ever know about this if he didn’t try to go leak a story," August tweeted. "Me & his ppl were the only ppl out there when this happened. But for the sake of story telling.. we gone always stand on TRUTH."
See August Alsina's tweet below.
August Alsina is claiming he was assaulted by Tory Lanez after reports surfaced online that the two entertainers recently got into a scuffle at an event in Chicago.
On Sunday (Sept. 18), August Alsina put up an Instagram post in response to reports that he'd been knocked out by Tory at comedian Rip Michaels' Fall Back in Love Comedy & Music Jam in Chicago last night (Sept. 17). August shared a photo of himself in an elevator with what appears to be blood on his chin. He captioned the post with a lengthy explanation of his side of what occurred.
"As I’m exiting the building after the show last night, A 4’11 sized leprechaun ran down on me w/ 8 oversized security nigxas, whom I greeted each individually upon their walk up as they tried to press me," the caption starts. "Whole time, I’m one deep. No security. Tory continues to ask w/ a broken ego why I didn’t dap him up, I go on to tell him.. I was a fan of him and didn’t understand him speaking on my business publicly In the past, because I don’t know him or ever met him until last night. So when he spoke it caught me off guard because of his past actions, i assumed he didn’t like me, that’s all. Not to mention, with my history of health & condition just recently overcoming being paralyzed, my doctor directed me not to compromise my health while out on road and shake as less hands as possible due to corona, & monkeypox."
August Alsina goes on to accuse Tory of being on a cocaine-fueled rage, and claims he was sucker punched by Tory, who then hid behind his security.
"Never any disrespectful words were exchanged, so i was a bit confused at how somehow he turnt him self up w/ anger after hitting a blunt laced with cocaine obviously, (i heard the fizzle) and he snuck me when I turned my head to move to the side amongst all his antsy moving and to keep an eye on the endless niggas that was w/ him surrounding me," August continues. "Which was security and some nigxa with a gun tucked… whom he then proceeded to run behind and hide to run back in the building. There was never a 'fight'! Simply an Assault. Dude has no real friends, and is on a crash out mission. With that said, I was gone keep it G & not come to the net, but you moving with foul intent feeding falsities to blogs to look for a 'moment' cus them moments ain’t happening on stage for u. I will assist you in that, gracefully."
August urged Tory Lanez to put the footage out, which August claims will make Tory look bad.
"His ppl got the whole thing on camera, PUT. THE. FOOTAGE. OUT!! I’d like to see it :) anyway, leme go clean this blood off my face w/ some @encinawellness," he added.
It is unclear if the blood is real or done tongue-in-cheek.
The news of the altercation first broke on Instagram blog GossipoftheCityTea last night. According to their reporting, August was the aggressor in the situation and was angered over Tory saying he would't have snitched on Jada Pinkett Smith like August, in reference to August revealing his relationship with Pinkett Smith in the summer of 2020. It was initially reported that Tory confirmed the news of the fight due to him liking a DM when asked about the validity of the fight story. He later denied the like was confirmation.
"That was an accident …. I didn’t confirm anything," he put in the comment section of the blog post.
Tory also appeared to address the initial reports on his Instagram page.
"I don't know what everybody talking about," he wrote on his IG Story. "But I've been in the studio .... I'm not into anything negative ... I've been working on my self ... And being a better person."
He punctuated the message with three smiling face with halo emojis.
XXL has reached out to Tory Lanez's team for comment.
See August Alsina's Post Explaining His Alleged Altercation With Tory Lanez Below
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