Riff Raff Unveils New Mad Decent Chain [Photo]
Riff Raff's signing to Diplo's Mad Decent imprint is official. The viral workhorse officially unveiled his signing gift from Diplo, providing XXL with photos of his latest bling. Riff Raff was eager to spill the details on the ice, telling XXL
"$45,000 3-D Reversible Civil War Dime Denver Mint Diamonds...14k white gold front smothered in Pink cashmere diamonds Red Rubys and Purple Fluorescent Accent sapphires...Mad Decent side 14k yellow gold with Goldy Hawn margarine diamonds surrunded by polka dot jelly bean emeralds and Aqua Marine teal diamonds...Designed by RiFF RaFF...Purchased by the New Power House Company Mad Decent"