17 Most Ridiculous RiFF RAFF Vines Of 2013
"This isn't the last you've heard of me."
It's a parting phrase we've heard at the end of all too many a cast members stay on reality shows since the early 2000's. The world has more in store for these burgeoning stars than the 2-bit TV show that introduced them to the world, and their ambition sees far beyond the starting platform of a VH1 dating show starring a wrinkly rocker of yesteryear. But what if they were right? What if an early exit from a reality show wasn't the end of their 15 minutes, but just the beginning. Enter RiFF RAFF...
From MTV reality show drop out, to James Franco character model in Spring Breakers, all the way to Vine celebrity, trying to get a handle on who or what RiFF RAFF is remains a mystery. One things for sure though, his antics and characters are the stuff of Vine gold. Enjoy this selection of his most ridiculous vines from 2013.
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