Master P Is Not Going To Let Drugs Destroy His Family
The Miller family has been going through a rough time with the divorce of Master P and his estranged wife, Sonya Miller, out in the public eye. As P was leaving his 44th birthday party at Mr. Chow's last night, the No Limit Soldier was stopped by TMZ cameras who asked the rapper about his family. During the conversation, Miller gives a heartfelt statement saying that he loves both his family and his estranged wife and that he won't let drugs tear apart his family. "Drugs is really destroying a lot of families," said Miller. "I'm not going to let it destroy my family."
Miller also went on to say that he will happily comply with her demands in the divorce as long as she cleans up her act. "She can have it all if she gets it together," he continued. "It's about these kids and our family...I'm going to fight for her, whatever I can do for her, I'm going to do it. If she needs help, I'm not going to let a judge or lawyer [step in] because I've worked too hard for this."
[via TMZ]
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