‘Love & Hip Hop Atlanta’ Season 5, Episode 8 Recap: Scrappy Finds Himself in a Love Triangle, KK King and Tiarra Choose Threats Over Family
This season of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta has been a whirlwind and the latest episode includes its fair share of drama.
Ariane meets up with Rasheeda at her store and invites D. Smith, whom she met at the LGBT Party. D. Smith informs Rasheeda that she's going to K. Michelle's release party, which leads her to bring up the turbulent history she has with the singer. Ariane and D. Smith heed Rasheeda's advice and have heard their own stories about K. Michelle, but decide to attend the party.
Yung Joc and Scrappy hit up their old bachelor pad, which they've been evicted from. J-Nicks, a mutual friend of the pair who has been on the outs with his own girlfriend, Amber, informs them that he's taken an interest in Scrapp's baby mother Tiarra. He intends to pursue her, which worries Scrappy and Joc, but he reasons that since Scrapp and her are no longer an item, he's not breaking any codes or crossing any lines.
Scrappy gets word of the near altercation between Jessica Dime and Bambi at the club and is perplexed at the root of the problem. He gets his answer when he catches up with Jessica at the gym. After she gives Scrappy a play-by-play of her run-in with Bambi, the two begin flirting with each other and end up setting up a date with each other to take things to the next level.
He may be attracted to Jessica Dime, but he still has feelings for Bambi and is caught between a rock and a hard place. He links with the fellas to get some advice on his latest lady issues. Amber, J-Nicks' girlfriend, seems to be visibly attracted to Yung Joc and although he doesn't want to disrespect J-Nicks, he's forced into a corner when Amber offers to give him a lap dance.
K. Michelle's release party is here and she's ecstatic when she sees everyone show up. The singer has a conversation with Ariane, who takes issue with K. Michelle's jabs at Rasheeda. K. Michelle also announces her label deal with Atlantic Records before spinning her album for those in attendance -- good thing is the crowd seems to be pleased with the music.
But just when things are looking cordial, Betty Idol gets into a verbal spat with K. Michelle over her accolades in the music industry, which leads to D. Smith siding with her friend. This puts her relationship with K. Michelle on shaky ground. Things take a turn for the worse after Bambi shows up and runs into Betty Idol and D. Smith, whom she has beef with due to their previous issues with Tammy. Both parties exchange words, but no blows are thrown this time around, as D. Smith and Betty Idol opt to exit the party.
Tiarra has realized that her relationship with Scrapp is a dead end and is looking to move forward. She meets up with Jessica Dime to introduce her to J-Nicks, who's also a local Atlanta DJ she's known for years. He gives his opinion on the situation between Tiarra and Scrapp, especially when it comes to their son. According to J-Nicks, he believes Scrapp should be in his son's life.
Yung Joc, Scrappy, Sass and Scrapp eventually hang out with their children as a group, but Scrapp's son is the only child not in attendance. The crew shows empathy for his situation and assures him everything will be alright. Just when it seems like Scrapp will be the only father riding solo, Tiarra shows up with King, Scrapp's son, after taking J-Nicks' words into consideration.
Scrapp sits down with his lawyer to discuss the status of his court case, which isn't looking very promising. After hearing he's facing a possibility of up to 35 years, but could accept a plea for five years, Scrapp has some major decisions to make.
He brings together KK King, Sass, Tommie and Stevie J to break the news about the possibility he will be doing five years in prison. KK is initially in denial, but Scrapp stands firm in the bad news. He also makes a last ditch effort to put his mother and Tiarra in the same room so they can come to a resolution and set their differences for the sake of his son. KK reluctantly agrees.
The meeting everyone's been waiting for finally arrives as KK King and Tiarra sit down at the same table to discuss their differences. When tensions rise, KK dares Tiarra to come to her side of the table while subtly challenging her to a fist fight. Tiarra also begins to send threats of her own, causing the two to be separated by security. Scrapp's ex vows that KK won't be able to see her grandson until Scrapp is released from his prison sentence.
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