On October 1st, everybody's favorite Vine videographer, Cam'ron will be kickstarting a brand new web series. The series entitled 1st Of The Month will be starring Cousin Bang, Cam's girlfriend, JuJu, Baby Dee and Killa Cam in the starring role.

This morning, the trailer for the upcoming project hit the internet and BOY! OH BOY! does thing look deliriously insane. Landing somewhere on the cinematic spectrum between Cam's Killa Season, low-rent clown porn and 1970s grindhouse splatter films, 1st Of The Month is going to be required viewing for fans of Cam'ron, wanton bad taste and endless quotables. Violence and sex is everywhere in this thing.

After digesting the trailer this morning, XXL has pulled out the five of the trailer's craziest moments to highlight exactly what fans should expect from the feature.



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