YouTube Now Offers Realtime Stats For Videos
YouTube users will no longer have to wait to find out how their latest video is doing on social media. The top online video network recently announced that it has established a realtime report on its analytics dashboard that is expected help YouTube channel creators find their audience.
"It's a part of us working to give channels more realtime data so that they can make more informed decisions," a Google spokesperson told Billboard.
Now when users click on “Analytics” they will not only get a general overview of their video’s performance but will also have the option of “Realtime” overview that provides a look into the video’s performance at that very moment.
According to Google, the reports will be split into two graphs. The hour-by-hour data that provides a view count of the last 48 hours, showing the views peaks and valleys, while the minute-by-minute calculates viewership within the last 60 minutes.
Both graph will refer to the time zone of viewers on YouTube will allow a few minutes between actual views before displaying reports. The real-time reporting is just one of the new features Google plane to add. Expect more realtime news in the future.
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