Watch Hannibal Buress Compare Presidential Candidates to Rappers
With the 2016 election less than a year away, some Americans find themselves in a quandary. Though the unemployment and jobless rates have improved steadily, many still find themselves searching for jobs, or trying to cover their student loans. Fortunately, one man is here to cut through the din and give it to our citizens straight. In a video for F-Comedy, the Chicago-bred comedian compares each Presidential candidate to their rapping counterpart. For the current frontrunner, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton--whose name is misspelled in the video--Hannibal likens her to one of hip-hop's biggest moguls. "Hillary Clinton would be Diddy," he says. "Because she's done some stuff that people like, and some people hate. She's super rich, and she got famous by attaching herself to one of the all-time greats."
Hannibal also compares Vice President Joe Biden, who recently announced he wouldn't be seeking the Democratic nomination, to Iggy Azalea "because people were expecting a big tour, and it never happened." Jeb Bush is like Chet Haze, son of Tom Hanks: "His dad made it, his brother made it, there's family legacy, but he's just some shitty rapper that wants to say the N-word." Other comparisons include Donald Trump to DJ Khaled ("loud arrogant, kinda corny") and Chris Christie to Biggie ("fat"). As for the neurosurgeon Ben Carson? "He looks just like me," Buress says. "I'm a rapper. He looks like me. He stole some of my quirks, he sort of closes his eyes and he looks up--where the fuck did you get that from, Ben Carson?"
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