The Break Presents: Kevin Abstract
Alive Since Forever is a relatively new hip-hop crew of 30-plus members on the rise. Their leading MC is Kevin Abstract, who has a knack for story telling lyrics and captivating videos. Check out Abstract’s tunes and get hip to the group that’ll hit the mainstream soon.
Standout: "PJs"
Also check out: "Rabbits" With Ameer Vann
And: "Angels"
Name: Kevin Abstract
Age: 17
Hometown: Corpus Christi, TX.
I grew up listening to: Kanye West, KiD CuDi, Nirvana, and Tyler, The Creator.
Most people don't know I: Have an obsession with color and Wes Anderson films. Also, ALIVESINCEFOREVER will run the industry within the next five years. DODIMOB.
My style has been compared to: Childish Gambino. We share the same influences. Plus, I'm a fan. The comparison doesn't bother me.
My standout records and/ or moments to date have been: I won't have a standout moment until I perform at the VMAs, meet Ryan Gosling, and hug Sky Ferreira.
My goal in Hip-Hop is: To surpass Kanye West.
I'm gonna be the next: Beyoncé.
To check out more of my music go to: Follow me on Twitter (@KevinAbstract) and my website.