25 Hip-Hop Songs Turning 10 in 201725 Hip-Hop Songs Turning 10 in 2017Check out how many dope hip-hop songs are celebrating their 10-year anniversary in 2017.Sidney MaddenSidney Madden
11 Hip-Hop Songs You Remember From Groups You Probably Don’t11 Hip-Hop Songs You Remember From Groups You Probably Don’tPreviously: Ca$h Out Preps Debut, Avoids Becoming A One-Hit Wonder Que Wants To Avoid Being A One-Hit Wonder After “O.G. Bobby Johnson” Success XXL StaffXXL Staff
“Get That Money” [Feature From the April 2012 Issue]Getting rich off the sales of ringtones used to be the way of life for hip-hop's one-hit wonders., but that's not the case anymore...XXL StaffXXL Staff
BLOG: R.I.P. Ringtone RapperIf you see Jibbs… don’t tell him we’re looking for him.XXL StaffXXL Staff