Clint Dempsey fortified himself as an immortal in the world of soccer, after he scored the opening goal for the United States in this year's World Cup after just 29 seconds. His athletic prowess is loved by soccer enthusiasts and hated by his adversaries...
Sports and music continue to go hand-in-hand. In the latest installment of 'when athletes and beats collide', USA national soccer team captain, Clint Dempsey, is said to be releasing a 13-track rap album using his stage name "Deuce". Apparently, the soccer star who scored against their rival team Ghana after only 31 seconds of play time, started recording the album in L...
Not only is Clint Dempsey repping for the United States in a big way during the 2014 World Cup, he is also a huge UGK fan. During an interview conducted by Revolt TV's Sama'an Ashrawi for his documentary The All-Star Tribute To UGK, Dempsey kicks things off by saying, "I'm Clint Dempsey, Captain of the U...