Luther Campbell Considers a Run for Mayor of Miami
Luther Campbell cares about Miami, and he's ready to act on his feelings as he considers running for office.
"If Carlos Alvarez gets recalled, I will seriously think about running for Miami-Dade County mayor," wrote the rapper of 2 Live Crew fame, also known as Uncle Luke, in a special to the Miami New Times. "And should I win, I would make everyday I am in office a reality show. Everyday, Miami-Dade residents will have transparency in the mayor's office."
The recall for Mayor Alvarez has been set for March 15. There have been efforts to recall Alvarez since December 2009, but there were initially not enough signatures necessary. The possibilities of a recall gained steam again this past September when county commissioners passed a budget that raised property taxes and increased the salaries of county employees.
The Miami native was honest in the piece. "And if I decide I will get into politics, I have no problem addressing the many controversies that have been a part of my life," he wrote in his conclusion. "I will have no problem answering questions about the negative side of my life. I look forward to my opponents digging up every wrong thing I have done."
"I've been a successful businessman in this community for years," Luke wrote. "I was born and raised in Miami-Dade. No one can question the love I have for my home county." —Adam Fleischer