Logic Shares ‘Bobby Tarantino II’ Mixtape Release Date With an Assist From ‘Rick and Morty’
Logic will be releasing a new mixtape on Friday (March 9). The Everybody rapper unveiled plans for Bobby Tarantino II on Twitter with the help of a Rick and Morty skit.
The return of "mixtape Logic" is imminent in the form of the summer 2016 Bobby Tarantino follow up, which came as a surprise release. The Adult Swim bit begins with Morty asking Rick, who is voiced by Justin Roiland, if they can play something by the Maryland native in their spaceship.
"Morty, calm down. Of course I love Logic. Who doesn’t like Logic? You gotta be a fucking idiot if you don’t like Logic,” Rick explains to his grandson before requesting “mixtape Logic." "I’m in the mood to turn some shit up, Morty. I’m not in the mood for a message about how I can be whatever I want," says Rick.
The promo concludes with the Bobby Tarantino II release date of March 9 featuring vocals from a new song blaring in the background. Logic has kept busy to kick off 2018, dropping three fresh tracks including "44 More," "Overnight" and "Everyday."
Are you excited for a new Logic project? Check out the Bobby Tarantino II announcement below.
See New Music Releases for March 2018