common1.jpgCommon recently announced to MTV News that he will be appearing alongside Hollywood powerhouses Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman in the upcoming film Wanted. The movie, which will be helmed by Russian director Timur Bekmambetov, is based on the comic book of the same name by Mark Millar and J.G. Jones. Wanted tells the story of a young man named Wesley Gibson, who discovers that his deceased father was actually a super villain. Equipped with newly found superpowers, Gibson links with Jolie’s character—named Fox—and aspires to follow in his dad’s footsteps. "My character in 'Wanted' is called the Gunsmith," Common told MTV News. "I'm basically this dude that's a master at shooting guns. I'm training this gentleman that's coming in, who really has certain abilities but doesn't know it; I'm training him on how to be what he should be." James McAvoy, who appeared alongside Oscar Award winner Forest Whitaker in The Last King of Scotland, will play the role of Gibson. Com says he will be heading to Prague to begin filming next week.

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