Chiddy Speaks on Breaking Freestyle Record
Yesterday, we covered the valiant quest of Chiddy Bang's Chidera "Chiddy" Anamege as he attempted to break the Guinness World Record for Longest Freestyle Rap. After over nine hours of intense scrutiny
watched globally via streaming Web cam, Chiddy emerged victorious. For the Philly rapper, it was a marathon experience with deep physicality.
"It's definitely a surreal experience," he told XXLMag.com. "Nine hours is a hell of a long time. It was about pushing myself to the highest extent. Everybody knows Guinness is the ultimate. If they
validate you, that's the ultimate cosign. That brand is associated with shit that's legit -- world records. The world!"
While it took extreme mental focus to break the record, Chiddy also had some biological issues to deal with. "I took two little bathroom breaks," he said, laughing. "The rules were that I couldn't stop
rapping for 30 seconds. When I went to the bathroom, I had to keep going. I had to keep spitting while using the bathroom. That's crazy."
Chiddy ultimately walked away with two new records: Longest Freestyle Rap and Longest Continuous Rap. For a publicity stunt, Chiddy's sheer commitment to finishing the job gave him the strength to power
"It seemed like forever," he recalled. "But by the time I was halfway through, I just couldn't turn back." —Carter Maness
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