Indie Labels Are Uniting To Fight For Equal Digital Rights
As independent record labels continue to evolve, more and more rights are being implemented to ensure that artists and labels are paid properly for their work. Today, the Worldwide Independent Network announced that it has set up the "Fair Digital Deals Declaration" which will commit the signatory companies to "treat their artists fairly in agreements relating to digital explotiation of artists' work in recorded music agreements with third parties." So far, 750 indie labels, including Tommy Boy, Rostrum Records, XL and Stones Throw, have signed onto the agreement.
The "Fair Digital Deals Declaration" includes the following five key points:
1) Ensure that artists’ share of download and streaming revenues is clearly explained in recording agreements and royalty statements in reasonable summary form.
2) Account to artists a good-faith pro-rata share of any revenues and other compensation from digital services that stem from the monetization of recordings but are not attributed to specific recordings or performances.
3) Encourage better standards of information from digital services on the usage and monetization of music.
4) Support artists who choose to oppose, including publicly, unauthorized uses of their music.
5) Support the collective position of the global independent record company sector.
The signing of the declaration coincides with the "Worldwide Declaration Signing Day" social media campaign that will run throughout the day (July 16) and awareness for the new initiative will be spread through the #fairdigitaldeal4artists hashtag.
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