Happy Birthday, Murphy Lee!Happy Birthday, Murphy Lee!Today, Dec. 18, is the birthday of St. Louis, MO rapper, Murphy Lee.Joey EchJoey Ech
Nelly, O.E.MONelly, O.E.MOEager to release some new music with his first solo mixtape, Nelly dropped off O.E.MO on Christmas Eve, filled with his rap-sung style...XXL StaffXXL Staff
Nelly Breaks Down His Greatest Hits Song By Song x GalleryNelly takes a look back at the past 10 years of hits...XXL StaffXXL Staff
Nelly Responds to Masked St. Lunatic’s Criticisms“I wish I could have made ova a half a mil dollars for just wearing a mask on stage," Nelly tweets...XXL StaffXXL Staff
The Best Baseball-Themed Rap SongsBatter Up! XXL recognizes MLB's opening day with the best baseball-themed rap songs... XXL StaffXXL Staff