Hip-hop has endured a tricky relationship with artists who straddle different musical genres. In many cases, rap purists reject cross-over attempts as acts of betrayal, while music aficionados outside of the hip-hop community tend to view them with a skeptical eye...
Kid Rock appeared on Piers Morgan Interview last night to touch upon everything from legalizing marijuana to sharing his business strategies on his upcoming summer tour.
At a time when most artists have high ticket prices, the Michigan-born rocker is putting together a bill that will offer seats for $20...
De La Soul cast themselves as the introverted, suburbanites from Long Island when they first debuted in the early '90s with 3 Feet High and Rising. Fittingly one of their first hits was titled "Me, Myself, and I."
Last night, however, at the taping for the 5th annual VH1 Hip-Hop Honors showcase the trio of Posdnous, Maseo, and Dave, formerly known as Trugoy, were hardly kept below the r