XXL is sad to report that Prince Be of P.M. Dawn has passed away. Prince Be, whose real name is Attrell Cordes, died on Friday (June 17 at his New Jersey home as a result of renal kidney disease. He survived by his wife Mary and three children: Christian, Mia and Brandon.

Doc G, the only remaining member of P.M. Dawn, made a comment on Prince Be's death via Facebook.

"Prince Be Rest In Peace Forever More, Pain from diabetes can't harm you anymore, My Heart is at Peace B-Cuz U suffered so long, Tell Grandma I said Hi & Stay Blisstatic & Strong," PM Dawn member Doc G wrote on the group's official Facebook page.

Prince Be dealt with complications of diabetes for years and suffered a stroke in 2005. But in a particularly memorable moment, Prince Be performed on NBC's Hit Me Baby One More Time competition show while recovering from the stroke that left him paralyzed on his left side.

P.M. Dawn was best known for the hit single "Set Adrift on Memory Bliss" off their debut album Of the Heart, of the Soul and of the Cross: The Utopian Experience. The record was a huge success for the group as it reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1991.

While the group never matched the same heights of "Set Adrift on Memory Bliss" again, their 1992 single "I'd Die Without You" did reach No. 3 on the Hot 100 chart. The song appeared on the Boomerang soundtrack as well as P.M. Dawn's second studio LP The Bliss Album.

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