Eric B. and Rakim Endorse Donald Trump on Twitter Then Blame Hackers
Update (Nov. 7, 2:06 p.m.):
Rakim's manager Matt Kemp has issued a statement to Okayplayer. Read it below:
"Rakim has no connection with, interest in nor makes contributions to ANY social media accounts with the exception of his verified Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/rakimallah/) and a rarely used Twitter account (https://twitter.com/rakimgodmc) nor do any speak for him. He prefers to communicate through his music.”
Original Story:
Eric B & Rakim's verified Twitter account had the Internet going nuts last night (Nov. 5), when a tweet went out in support of the Donald Trump campaign. The group has since claimed it was the work of hackers.
The initial tweet that caused the uproar featured an ad that says, "The Hood for Trump Pence." “Hillary ain’t speaking the truth, Trump is a business man," the caption read. "What America needs is @Eric B in the Presidential Cabinet as the secretary of…"
The ad had people going in in the group's mentions. Whoever is at the helm of the account then started to backtrack in a series of tweets (above).
"Funny, Eric B and Rakim is trending 5th in the world on twitter and we will not be voting for Trump, that's what you better know," a later tweet reads, followed by, "After all these years how could there be any doubt who gets our vote? Eric B and Rakim only vote for one person, every four years, same vote."
It was later inferred in a tweet that an unauthorized user had taken control of the account and posted the ad. "We've taken back command of our twitter. Thanks for your help @Twitter @Support," the last post says.
There have been some strange happenings with the official Eric B. and Rakim Twitter account recently. Two weeks ago, tweets from the account hinted that a reunion and tour was on the horizon.
Reps for Rakim have since come forward to claim that any talks of a reunion are completely false.
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