Happy New Year! While everyone is ready to win for 2010, XXL wants to take one last look back on our decade of dominance.

Anyone’s that had the opportunity to walk through our hallowed hallways will notice a wall with every single one of our covers on it. Throughout the years, various staffers and visitors have chimed in on which was the best XXL cover. Everyone has his or her favorites from the past 10 years and beyond, but for the first time we’re bringing you, the reader, into the discussion with a special online ballot.

With over 140 cover images to choose from in XXL’s existence, we decided to focus only on the last 10 years. Over the course of the next two weeks (Jan. 4 to Jan. 15), you’ll have the chance to vote for the Best XXL Cover. Each day we'll put up all the covers from a different year (2000 to 2009) until we've tallied the votes and have the top 10 fan favorites by year.

After that, we’ll kick off a second round of voting from Jan. 18 – Jan. 21 to find out which one will be crowned the Best XXL Cover of the Millennium. You can only vote for one cover a day, but feel free to come back each day to vote again. The Best XXL Cover of the Millennium will be announced on Friday, January 22.

Without further ado, the 2000 XXL cover nominees are…


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