There are kids out there right now, sitting down with a spiral notebook and a pencil, deliberately writing their first rap song. A good handful of these people will refer to "haters," to those who doubt them and want to hold them back. The blessing and curse of high school is that no one cares about you as much as you think they do, so most of these would-be MCs will skate through unscathed. But at the end of "All I Know," the triumphant PJ collaboration from Boosie BadAzz's Touchdown 2 Cause Hell, the bridge that chants, "They said, they said, that I wasn't coming home" is as real as you can get. "They" refers not only to those fair-weather friends who doubted him, but also to police officers and district attorneys who tried to keep him locked up for life. In the song's new video, Boosie splices together shots of everyday people watching the clock tick away on their work day with a Technicolor cookout. It gets better.

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