DMX’s demons are real. It was evident when he stepped on the scene with his multi-platinum heart-pouring debut It's Dark and Hell Is Hot and 15 years later it still seems to be an uphill battle for the Yonkers MC. Earl recently appeared on Dr. Phil, something he was advised against doing. But, X said he wanted people to see him as a person and not the headlines and media slander. “I just need people to look at me as I speak and know who I am by what I say,” said X, “not by what you see in the newspaper and not by what you read. You can tell a lot about a person by looking at them in the eyes.”

X seemed a bit shaky but earnest in his revelations while discussing his past ills, telling Phil if he could go back he wouldn’t change a thing. “I wouldn’t redo anything,” he said. “It got me right here, where I’m at right now. I’m in a good place, no regrets.”

Check out the rest of the interview, where Phil grills Dark Man X about being behind over $1 million in child support, his extensive arrest record and how he can get back on track, below.

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