President Obama got some serious hip-hop cool points when he walked out to DJ Khaled’s “All I Do Is Win” at last month’s White House Correspondent’s Dinner. A lot of people took notice. Even Khaled himself who seemed pumped about the plug when recently asked about it by MTV News.

“Shout out to Obama. I see you. I appreciate you," said Khaled. “All I do is win is one of the biggest anthems of all time, I think. It’s a timeless record and it represents winners. And Obama is a winner.”

Khaled also remarked that he may find some creative way to use the shout out for a skit on his upcoming album, Suffering From Success. "I mean, I got to. I gotta utilize that with We the Best brand just getting bigger," he said. "I got some things up my sleeve, so be ready for my new album."

Check out the entire clip, below.

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